Thursday, June 25, 2009

VBC, etc

this week is VBC (vacation bible CAMP) at church. Due to working downtown and the current ineffectivity of my shoulder, i am "acting" in the nightly dramas. Tonight is the last night (and therefore the potluck). I will reprise my role as Felicity Snootlithe, Foreign Correspondent for the "Heavenly Times." (we're doing St. Paul and the Early Church as the theme this year.)
Anyway... i'm kind of a snobby foreign correspondent with a sloppy British accent (though the sloppy is my own and not written into the script. effect of not having done dialogue in quite some time as well as effects of vicodin for shoulder pain- NO, i didn't drive myself!!)

Otherwise: day off tomorrow for appointment with rheumatologist which happens to fall SMACK in the middle of the day (moderately annoying!) and is the only appointment available this week. Unsure why the ER docs decided rheumatologist, but there it is. My hunch is there will a CT scan or MRI in my future- hopefully near rather than far so we can decrease drugs and ice-pack-frequency!!

Tomorrow, however, is also T-minus one year to wedding day. Sometimes, that's not a big deal. Other times, I can't believe it's only a year away and I start to worry about budget, looking for a dress, little details, and the fact that student teaching makes up my life from mid/late August until mid December, and that moderately freaks me out. Especially because I'm sure there's stuff I have to DO in preparation for wedding things somewhere in there, while i know that student teaching consumes your life and them some in process.
This *is* all going to be fine.

I just need to remind myself of that sometimes. This may require some therapy this weekend.
(therapy of this type typically means cooking in quantity. i think i need to get the refill propane tank, soak some mesquite or hickory chips, and make sure I have enough vinegar to make pickles while making everything else on the grill.)

now, if i can just get off the drugs I can enjoy all of this with a nice sangria.....

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