Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This weekend i started the EA sports-active 30-day challenge. (for those of you not-so-inclined/informed, this is a Wii game with a personal trainer- developed by Oprah's own trainer/doc pal.)
Anyway- the point is engagement photos at the end of the summer. and impending dress-shopping (or at least trying-on).
so i'm slowly beginning to discover muscles i think i had but wasn't aware could feel so, uh, stretched?
I was brilliant enough last night to possibly get a little over-zealous in my endeavor. I had physical therapy (an hour, 45 minutes of which is continuous activity, which becomes more and more involved and aerobic by session- this one was relatively intense.) Missing the train by about 30 seconds (lamenting that this happens NEARLY EVERY time), I finally get back to my car around 7. Realizing that this will put me at softball in time to see the team shake hands, I decide to go home. And try for another day of challenge.
This was not necessarily the best of ideas.

I do, however, feel it working, which I suppose is good.

So: technically, according to challenge calendar, today is my "rest" day. Do I decide to ignore today's rest day and work out anyway? Given that I have PT again tomorrow, maybe this spreading out this is better- work out today, take my "rest" day tomorrow...

well, maybe i'll see how i feel when I get home!!

1 comment:

  1. and the challenge has been postponed due to injury. i am most disappointed. but once whole again, i'm going back to it! (in the meantime, tom has set up the recumbent bike for me. no arm movements=healing shoulder+calorie burn? i guess we'll see!)
