Monday, August 31, 2009

week 2

Okay, so it's really more like week 1.5 (the first truly "full" week). Last week was a full week, but Monday was shortened, Institute day for teachers only and Tuesday was a short day more for scheduling and "policies" signature documents.
We did stuff Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (mostly reading and writing assessments), and now we're on to the "real" stuff. Details on that later in the week, I think!

Otherwise had a lovely visit with college advisors this weekend and ate probably way too much so am back to the better eating again. :o)

Not overly much to do for school at this point so I'm trying to pace myself and do a little work ahead and some research so I don't get totally swamped. So far I think it's going okay.

In other news- I am SOOOO excited it's football season again. A sport I can fully comprehend and appreciate- GO BEARS.

Have lovely beginning-of-school to all of you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

soon and very soon

i start student teaching on monday. with only 1.5 working days (read:week days) left of "freedom," i begin to freak out.
i believe this is not really freaking out about school beginning and more about a new routine that is, at present, foreign to me.

i really do like change. and i typically embrace change.

it's the leading-up-t0-change that absolutely makes me nutty (and, likely by design, everyone around me).

running out to pick up a few things for dinner earlier this afternoon, i passed a staples store. and i paused to think about school supplies. i mean, i do start high school again (in a manner of speaking) on monday, after all.

and i have NO IDEA what i need. they should really make back-to-school supply lists for teachers and not just students. (remember when you had to bring a box or 2 of kleenex for the classroom so there would be enough for the school year? and when you had to bring a change of clothes to keep in your locker in elementary school?)

anyway... now that my three weeks are almost up- this should get interesting!